My name is Austin.

I'm a music producer. I'm an audio engineer. I'm a musician.

Michigan is my home. Southeast Michigan, specifically. South of Detroit, along the river. They call it "downriver." Creative, I know.

I've been making recordings since I was 14. I used to cram all of my friends into a stuffy room in my parents' house and make weird joke songs with them using a cheap computer microphone that plugged directly into my PC's sound card back in the days of Windows XP.

Years passed. I ditched the computer mic, got some real ones, and started making demo recordings for local artists in my parents' basement. We had a lot of fun, but most of those recordings were pretty bad back then.

I was about to graduate from high school and thought, "I don't want to be bad at this anymore." So I went to school. Twice, actually. First at University of Michigan, then McGill University in Montréal for my graduate studies, both in sound recording and sound engineering.

I met so many smart people at these places, and they all helped expand the way I thought about art, technology, and life. But even though these 6 years of being a student had changed me, I emerged from the whole experience just wanting to cram some people in a room around some microphones and make music again.

So I did that. I joined bands that didn't play weird joke songs. I helped those bands make records and lived alongside them in vans as we toured the country supporting those records. It started taking up more and more of my time. So much so that I decided to leave my office job behind and really try out music as a "career."

The bands came and went. The tours came and went. The records came and went. There were many ups, downs, massive successes and dark nights of the soul along the way. Somewhere along that path, I got lucky enough to find a commercial space to run a studio out of.

And then I made a website. I made two, actually. This is the second attempt.

The goal of this website is to make my knowledge and experience directly accessible to you. You can find examples of my production and engineering work, read my thoughts on just about everything I've ever been involved with, and hear examples of music I've helped write and perform. I'm also working on a few course modules for music and non-music related things I'm interested in.

Most importantly, I hope this site gives you a flavor for who I am as a person. I'm a freelancer who primarily works with people like you to realize creative projects, so I feel it's very important to establish some kind of rapport, virtually or not.

Think of what follows is an invitation. My hand extended toward yours, hoping to make a connection.

